
Sources we used...

My Question:
What was the Kindertransport?
Key points
~There was 1.5 million children murder
~Jewish children went to different places to live
~much children at that time didn't know what was going on

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
This website helped us learn the kindertransport and what they did. It also helped us understand the main points in the mission to save the children in which their parents sent them away.


My Question:
What was the Kindertransport?
Key points
~The KTA (Kindertransport Association)
~Founding of the KTA
~Memories of the journey to Britain

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
This website helped us in learning the details about the Kindertransport Association (KTA). It also helped us understand the main points in the mission to save the children in which their parents sent them away. We also learned the importance in the parent's decisions, and why the children left, along with what happened to them after.


My Question:
Why was it created?
Key points
~British Government didn't accept children in Palestine but did accept in the United Kingdom. 
~Agreed to permit only a unspecified amount of number under the age of 17.
~Private Citizen or organization, Payed each child care.
~In mind that when the war ended, the children would return to their families.
~Parents in desperation to get their child out of the growing Nazi Territory.

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
This website gives a understanding of what the Kindertransport did, and who created it. It also explains why the Kindertransport was created, and what their main mission was during the time. We learned who the creators were, and how the idea of Kindertransport came about.


My Question:
Was it successful?
Key points
~10,000 children that Hitler "missed" speak out in their testimonies
~Most successful organization for rescue of children during Hitler's time
~children transported by train and then by ship
~organized by the British community for the rescue of British children

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
This website helped us in realizing that in most ways, the Kindertransport was successful. It helped rescue over 10,000 Jewish children from Hitler's killings and camps. It also described what the journey to Britain was like, and where the children stopped along the way.


My Question:
Was it successful?
Key points:
~10,000 children that Hitler "missed" speak out in their testimonies
~Most successful organization for rescue of children during Hitler's time
~children transported by train and then by ship
~much of the kindertransport was successful

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
This website helped us in realizing that in most ways, the Kindertransport was successful. It helped rescue over 10,000 Jewish children from Hitler's killings and camps. It describes how the success of the Kindertransport was.

My Question:
What kind of care did the children receive once entering England?
Key points
~Private organizations, and citizens had to guarantee to pay for each child's care
~parents and guardians could not accompany the children
~education was received, and provided by the British government until the "crisis" was over
~Children lived with other family
~Children also lived in boarding school at the dorm's

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
This site was especially important in explaining what had happened to the children after they got sent over to England. It also helped us understand that most children got sent to foster care homes. It also gave us a understanding of where the children went and were they lived during the war.


My Question:
How many were saved?

Key points
~10,000 were saved
~Commenced on December 1,1938
~50th anniversary reunion of the Kindertransport
~Over 1,200 people attend

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
Helped us understand how many were saved. Also told us that there were a anniversary for the kindertransport people who are still alive.


My Question:
How many were saved?

Key points
~10,000 were saved
~History of these children
~many of the children story.

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
Helped us understand how many were saved. Also the story of some of the children to the holocaust.


My Question:
Are there any Holocaust survivor story?

Key points
~He lived in Northampon.
~knowing his heritage
~wasn't never aware of what was going on.

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
Gave us a story of Mr. Landmann. He gave his story of what he went thorugh during the holocaust.


My Question:
Are there any Holocaust survivor story?

Key points
~Live with a family in cape town
~lived with her brother and sister
~migrated to South Africa

My Thinking (e.g., connections, questions, inferences)
Gave us a story of Ursula. It is a story from her foster family.  Her foster family told the story of what happen to them living with them.
